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    Dear Shea,

    I hope your plans to move to the Azores are progressing. Or at least to visit. I understand wanting to make it all happen in one trip, though, to save money.

    I've been reading up on places to move to outside of the U.S. for lower cost of living and the chance for my husband to retire. As things are for us here at home, medical bills and health insurance are taking every extra dime we have, and it's hard to imagine my hubby will ever be able to retire unless we can find a cheaper cost of living with some type of national insurance coverage at low cost. My health is our issue. I'm currently on disability, and I can relate to your health concerns. Have you found out what costs/savings you will be faced with in the Azores?

    I've visited Terceira twice, for five weeks total. I have a sister-in-law and her family there. I fell in love with the island and the people. And the weather during the summer was divine. We camped for over a week, and I don't even remember many bugs. However, in winter it is not unusual for it to rain sideways because of high winds. Flights in bad weather might not be able to land and have to be diverted elsewhere. And there was an earthquake when I was there the first time (nothing severe, though).

    The last time I was there, there was a new requirement in Angra (maybe the whole island, but I'm not sure) that stores had to be air conditioned. Prior to that, air conditioning was apparently pretty unusual. The humidity is pretty high, but the temps are so nice that it's barely noticeable on your skin. But in your house, that might be a different story. You very well might have to clean mold/mildew off of your walls and ceilings. But it's a fair trade for living in such a lovely place.

    I envy you your plans. If we move, it will probably be to Central America. Spanish is much easier for me to pick up, and flights are often cheaper and more plentiful, and much shorter, so closer to the rest of my family.

    Please do keep posting, and if you start a YouTube channel once you get on your way to the Azores, let us know. I'd love to live vicariously through your experiences. Best of luck to you.

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