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    Postet af  caroline Hughes i Forum for Aachen 

    Hello Peter, Great to here from you. I have been so busy here since arriving 6 weeks ago that i had not logged onto this site since arriving until yesterday so i hope its not been sometime since you wrote.

    Would love to meet up although i am flying back to the uk today for one week but perhaps the following weekend of 7th/8th October. I actually live in Alsdorf which is a small town about 20 minutes drive from Aachen . Let me know if this suits you. I will bring my partner with me if thats ok as I do not know aachen well at the moment. He talks fluent english and knows many people in the area so this might be to your benefit to meet him as well. As yet i have not met up with any other english people so it will be great to meet. There are a couple of lovely typically german pubs/coffee places in the market square in Aachen so perhaps that would be a good place to start.

    See you soon . Caroline.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

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