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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

Posted in Germany forum

I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • Go to Ron Saxena's profile

    posted by  in Germany forum 

    U just proved the point, I was trying to establish.. Just because I am in Germany, which is not my country, is enough reason to discriminate me.. Right..??
    How thoughtful of you..
    By the way, I was working in the biggest German Electrical firm, when I was in my country. And I first arrived in Germany, for an internal job assignment..

  • Wendy olgan


    posted by  Wendy olgan in Germany forum 

    Wow .. !!! Very well described my friend .
    I have a few months here and i can tell you that many things that you said here i had probe by myself , is really sad that the mayoralty of German here are like that . I just can say if you are proud of who you are and where you come always walk with you head held high.
    People who still think racism for me are all ignorant.

  • posted by  in Germany forum 

    About me: i have non-german parents,but i was born in Germany, i am speaking the language of them better than the most of them, i am living in Germany for more than 30 years and i am an academic.
    To Ron Saxena:
    as you know, there is no democratic society in Germany. If you are
    - dark skinned,
    - if you do not speak german like them,
    - if your name is not german,
    you will have problems. Looking for a
    - colleagues,neighbours, friends
    will be connected with very big problems.
    If you have some issues in federal offices of them, you will be treated by their officials as you were guilty even if it is clear that you are not. They will do this sometimes in a low and sometimes in an upper manner. There is a judgement that police is allowed to prefer to prove foreigners, after a black foreigner brought an action at law like "why i am steadily proved by the police in traffic.
    If you want to travel together with germans in a bus/tram/plane, you will feel like in prison because most of them wil look at your face and your eyes very unpolitely, maybe in some situations they will attack you suddenly verbally or physically.
    Eating with tem together in a restaurant, drinking coffee or beer or similar with them in their locals, having fun with them is difficult or impossible with 60% of them.
    If you go outside of the bigger cities (which are not in the eastern or southern part of Germany) like to the villages there is a big risk of being attacked.
    If you talk another language than German near to Germans, you will be verbal attacked with orders like "You are in Germany, talk german."
    The German media is making a lot of hustle to foreigners since 1989, when they were united.
    The faith of most foreigners in Germany is to live in very bad appartements, being unemployed or having bad jobs or/and being discriminated everywhere. These physical and verbal attacks mostly happen suddenly and by people you would not expect it like by married women who are travelling with their children and meet a foreigner in the street.
    If the Germans come together, they prefer to talk about and against foreigners: that is german culture.
    All boarders are closed to foreigners at the moment. The foreigner law of Germany is undemocratic, that is being criticized by international democtratic institutes for years. Please read the statement of the OECD about racism in Germany.
    Nowadays, only very good educated people are migrating to Germany and most of them regret it.
    Some of them try to find some connection to the german society like "we are christians as well", but this does not help. In some countries like Spain, there is unemployment and academics of them migrate to Germany. But germany is one of the countries where you are forced to speak german in the german companies. OK, there are some international working companies, but this companies can only offer employment for foreign academics, they can not protect them from the german society outside of work.
    All, what i have described here, are proved by millions of people and instituional reports, and as well my experiences. And believe me, you will witness one verbal racist attack every week in the minimum, even if you live in the better/cosmopolitic cities.
    By the way, german is an ugly language and it will never become an international language.

    The most statements of german people who answer to this questions in this forum have following interface: they try to defend germany by blaming the foreigners by arguments like "you are not integrated, in your countries is more racism etc." These people are real racists, do not try to discuss with them,they only can use the arguments of the nationalists. And their friendly tone is shizophrenic: they talk in a sweet voice, silent, term supposed facts and statistics about foreigners. This is hidden racism, which is used by 60% of Germans. In Germany racism is not only popular by lower earning people, it is very popular by the middle and upper class. Evenif you bear the racist german society, it would be unfair towards your children and spouses to push them to live in Germany. The mainstream in Germany are racists.
    And i am afraid, that there are a lot of racists in other countries.

    Postscript: i do not want that some german people answer to my statement.

    In fact there are very polite and friendly Germans in Germany, but these ones will never rule anywhere.

  • Go to Ron Saxena's profile

    posted by  in Germany forum 

    I am working in Germany as IT Consultant, post Master education. I think, in Germany, anything less that racial violence, is not taken seriously. That makes racial discrimination rampant...In UK, France, there are more political representation of Racist parties, but there are Laws to protect minority interest, when it comes to Jobs. in Germany, thats totally opposite. Corporate level racism / White collar discrimination is very high. People are asked for photo while making application.. And everything is very contact reference, oriented.. And that obviously makes Foreigners suffer from discrimination..

  • posted by  in Germany forum 

    Facing to racism continually makes ill...
    Of course, there is racism everywhere in world, because they are everywhere people who want to stay rich and let people fight against foreign people.
    In my opinion, racism is not only depending on location it depends also on the time you live: racism has become legal and popular.
    To answer the question how bad racism in Germany is: it is very bad as written several times.

  • I agree

    posted by Deleted user in Germany forum 

    My friend I agree my name is Jean-Pierre i'm African/Filipino living in the Usa and i agree!
    American primarily White do take thier hate and killing to be a sport.

    Its a sad country that think they are on the side of good.

  • posted by  in Germany forum 

    When it comes to racism, germany is just like every other country in the world. You have ignorant and uneducated people everywhere doesn't matter in what part of the world you live!! So, i hope this will settle it. Because i'm tired that germany is most often mentioned in the same sentence as racism.

  • Wendy olgan

    posted by  in Germany forum 

    If here in germany are racist or not is simply ridiculous, times had changed we are living another season. Why just not everyone live their own life and give opportunities to others no matter what color you are or where you come from?

    I agree that if you come from another country to Germany to look for problems that take you out of the country and you do not have any kind of opportunity to back Germany. but if you come here to look for changes in your life and work have a family as anyone else, why look if you're black or blond or from another country?

    Is just ridiculous !!!

  • Go to Ulises Kahlo's profile

    posted by  in Germany forum 

    Still talking about racism in Germany?? This whole thread is a joke. "Blizzy Everhard" is a staff member. She didn't really want to discuss this topic, but just to set this forum in motion by an emotive subject.

    It's the same with her second neverending thread: "German men" ;)

  • posted by  in Germany forum 

    Racism not only happen in Germany but even to United States as well. Would you believe that even the president himself became a victim of racism. According to an article the best federal judge in Montana has come under fire for forwarding an email containing a racial "joke" about Obama. The judge has apologized, although some feel he should step down. Analysts, however, say he will likely stay in his office, untouched. Resource for this article: Judge apologizes to Obama for racist email

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