Hector Abdel Alcalá Rosas
About me
Hector Abdel Alcalá Rosas
- Interests:
- Animals/Pets, Coffee, tea and conversation, Movies/Videos, Music, Baseball, Football, Swimming, play my guitar :D
- Favourite music:
- everything
- Favourite films:
- Exterminio 28 day later, and 28 weeks alter, the walking dead, resident evil 1,2,3,4. nipt/tuck, two and a half men.
- Favourite books:
- i dont read,
- Things I like:
- everything
- Things I hate:
- hipocresia,egoismo,celos,.
- Website:
- http://www.itson.mx
- Position:
- Student
- Former Career:
- estudio MVZ( Medico Veterinario Zootecnista)
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