Touria El amrani

About me

Touria El amrani
 Touria El amrani
Living in:
Trentino-Alto Adige (Italy)
English, Arabic, Catalan, Dutch, Italian, Spanish
Looking for:
Australia, Trentino-Alto Adige


  •  Touria El amrani

    Hi, I’am looking for some one I Met in Barcelona in 1995. He’s name in Andrew an can not remember he’s second name. He has graduated as a lawyer in 1996 in Melbourne. I have more informations but I can not write them. Can some body help me to try to find hem. My English is not perfect and being so far away makes mor limits. I need some one from Melbourne to help me. I just wanted to know how is he doing an that he has been very special to me.
    Thank you
    Touria El Amrani