• Expat in Kuwait برو به پروفایل

    Is it a good reason ?

    پست شده توسط  Expat in Kuwait در کویت فروم 

    Thank you for your explication.

    Mmmm... not sure the drivers don't get 8kd daily if they use the taxi meter. Do they really need to charge every time the customers the double and sometimes the triple to get 8kd ? When I pay according to the taximeter, why some drivers want to return the money telling is few ? If you don't have enough money, you just take any money, right ?

    I am not asking the Police to fire the driver but I'm sure he gets a fine if he doesn't use the taximeter. That's enough for me. After that, he should easily use the taximeter. Otherwise, when you threaten a driver to call Police, why he reacts ?

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