Amanda Craven

درباره من

Amanda Craven
 Amanda Craven
درباره من:
Fingers crossed I will be moving to Nantong. Any tips on finding an apartment, getting around, where to eat, what the best cultural spots or cultural faux pas are is greatly appreciated.
زندگی در:
Nantong (China)
زبان ها:
به دنبال:
دوستان, تماسهای کاری
39 سالها


علاقه مندی ها:
Animals/Pets, Art, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Coffee, tea and conversation, Computers/Internet, Cooking, Dining out, Movies/Videos, Music, Nightclubs/Dancing, Photography, Playing cards, Politics, Religion/Spiritual, Sailing/Boating, Shopping, Travel/Sightseeing, Volunteer/Community Activities, Bowling, Dancing, Hockey, Horseback Riding, Rock Climbing, Swimming, Volleyball, Walking/Hiking, Skating, Photography and all things anthropology are my passions.
موزیک مورد علاقه:
punk, emo, classic rock, opera
فیلم های مورد علاقه:
1984, Say Anything
کتابهای مورد علاقه:
1984, Anything by Jared Diamond
چیز‌هایی‌ که من از آنها خوشم میاید:
Too much to name here
چیز‌هایی‌ که من از آنها بدم میاید:
liars, mistreatment of people
وضعیت ارتباط:


  • Amanda Craven
     Amanda Craven

    Visa process is beginning and I just signed my offer letter. As long as there are no kinks in the paperwork I should be Nantong bound soon!