Guy Savoy

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Guy Savoy
 Guy Savoy
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: As someone who is totally in tune with the times, Guy Savoy was one of the first people to realize that the modern Chef has a role to play in all forms of food provision. He thus became a bistro creator by opening “Bistrots de l’Etoile” in the late 80’s. That was the time of the bistro revolution. Whether it be a response to new lifestyles or the emergence of a new way of eating, it was a runaway success, and Guy Savoy was the shining example of the new concept. This success earned him an entry in the esteemed Larousse Encyclopaedia: “Owner of a prestigious Parisian restaurant; has also opened several bistros where more traditional dishes are served.” Recently, the “Bistrots de l’Etoile” was handed over to Guy Savoy’s colleagues, so he was able to devote time to setting up new restaurants, such as La Butte Chaillot, Les Bouquinistes, l’Atelier Maître Albert and Le Chiberta. More recently, with Caesars Palace and his son Franck, he opened a “twin son” of the Guy Savoy Restaurant in Las Vegas, because gastronomes exist all over the world! In addition, Guy Savoy has for some ten years now, been helping out with Martinet, a leader on the caterer salads market in France. As ever where cuisine is concerned, Guy Savoy takes his inspiration from his daily work, and his creativeness as an entrepreneur comes from his creativeness as a Chef. Naturally, there are further plans afoot. Guy Savoy, with his dynamic background, never stops churning out that energy!
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Quisine by Guy savoy
زمینه کاری:
Retail Unit 109, Parcel number 04 La Croisette 07, Porto Arabia The Pearl Qatar


  • Guy Savoy
     Guy Savoy

    French Sea Food Quisine By Guy Savoy and Private Dining Room, The Pearl Qatar , Doha, Qatar