• Abubakr Malivan

    More on my call

    lähettäjä  Abubakr Malivan in Iran foorumi 

    Here is a simple version

    The Reptilians in US are busy and preparing to attack your country for sometime now. The Plan was agreed upon in 2006 and the deadline was meant to be July 2009. So far they keep moving the dates because they have not found something they can sell to the world, to attack Iran. Sources on the ground say that they would be dropping a nuclear bomb very soon and they would be blaming it to your country and that would give them a reason to attack it. As for attaking it with the most advanced weapons ever seen by mankind is inevitable .... its comming but as they have done with Iraq, they are still busy concorting a reason to do it. My biggest fear is the kind of weapons that would be used in the war they would be lodging against your country, ALLAH knows, its scary ... thermal bombs, nuclear weapons and the nastiest of biochemical weaponry, generally the entire region would never be the same after that war, its probable gonna be the shortest in history, but the most deadliest. The "perfect storm" is gathering around there. So please, if you can be able to get out, jump the ship. I have been praying that we are wrong, but all indications point to a time that is ticking

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