• Hello ...

    פורסם על ידי משתמש בוטל ב-  כווית פורום 

    Dear Friends,
    Thank you very much for your replies. Sorry i couldnt reply you in time as i was out of station.
    Well ... thats true i would be, if i accept the offer, based in Saudi Arabia at client site in Khafji city. At this moment i dont know the durtation of the project. All i know that Khafji city is a far far place in Saudi Arabia - 130 km away from Kuwait city. Also there would be very few 'things to do' there in Khafji city.
    I asked asked about the accommodation. The company would only pay for my air ticket (one way) and for single accommodation i.e. if i decide to take family with me, i would have to pay for it. Same goes for the Medical insurance...
    So thats the story ... still not sure if i shuld go for it ...

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