• judy liu

    Never Give Up - (4) Being a Fresher

    Poslano od   judy liu u Australija forum 

    Never Give Up
    - (4) Being a Fresher

    Hello everyone, it’s me again, Judy Feng Liu.
    Let’s continue to talk about not giving up.
    If you are a new one in a company, and the company doesn’t train new employees, and there is no one helps you to know all the things you need to know, you might feel that you are not competent at your job because you couldn’t do your job well.
    You might be sad; you might feel lonely; you might want to quit your job. Don’t! Don’t give up! Trust yourself you can do your job well!
    Remember, you never say give up to yourself if you really like your job and you want to do it well! Because, all the problems in the world can be solved, no matter how difficult they are!
    So, in this case, what should you do?
    Firstly, you need to figure out what you do not understand about your job. Make a list of them. And then you can search the answers on the internet, or you can ask your friends or colleagues.
    Secondly, figure out what kind of knowledge you should learn. Learn it or them after work.
    Thirdly, say this to yourself everyday: I am the best, I can do it. I will never, ever give up.
    Okay then, thank you for listening, welcome to contact me if you want to say something to me. I would like to listen to your stories.
    See you next time, my dear friends. Have a good day!

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