a2z typing tutor


a2z typing tutor
 a2z typing tutor
A2Z TYPING TUTOR is a typing tutor that is use learn how to type the proper way with speed and accuracy.It suits to every typing need. For beginner,the A2Z TYPING TUTOR provides with the basic lessons. visit at :- https://www.a2ztypingtutor.com
Rajasthan (India)
India, Rajasthan



  • a2z typing tutor
     a2z typing tutor

    A2Z TYPING TUTOR is a typing tutor that is use learn how to type the proper way with speed and accuracy.It suits to every typing need. For beginner,the A2Z TYPING TUTOR provides with the basic lessons.For intermediate level,there are also lessons for it as well as for the advance learner.It also provides typing test for each level to determine the development of each learner.Typing test is available 2,5,10,20,30 minutes user can choose one of them.

    Typing lessons include the familiarization with home keys,neighbour keys,small letters,capital letters and more.This familiarization is done through practice exercises. Exercises are done through typing words and paragraph.Some prose, poems, and even song lyrics are used for practice exercises.Doing the exercises diligently will greatly improve the typing speed and accuracy.

  • a2z typing tutor
     a2z typing tutor

    A2Z typing tutor settings user can easily change exam type, font size, language, test duration, backspace settings. It have special settings for SSC, Steno typing, CRPF, RPSC and High court LDC and almost all government exams.