• Rob Vaughanのプロフィールに行く


    によるポスト  Rob Vaughan に 南アフリカ フォーラム 

    There is always someone in every chatroom who will say "things are not that bad" etc, ad nauseum! Not going to argue the point, by the sounds of it you are of retiring age? Congratulations! Now try starting out under the CURRENT situation here!! As I was reading your reply I was waiting for you to tell me "there are no unemployed people here, they are there by choice", did I mention ad nauseum? As for there being plenty of legitimate work? Please tell me, sounds like you know a lot more about the employment situation here in Joburg than I do. Things are very different in PE than here! As for living in a "quiet farming area". Love to! Must be nice to have those kinds of choices!

