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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

게시된 위치 독일 공개토론

I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • 게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    Thanks Patrick, I also wish you all the best in UK. Nationalism and patriotism are scarey things. Denial and defensive attitude are the products of nationalism and patriotism.

    I admire your thoughts, "I believe in democratic system with real inclusions." but you are talking about Utopian state, only there you will find no racism.

  • patrick eso의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    @Diana I
    I got involved in these discussion only to open up some hiden characters in the german society. Oliver andthe rest like minds may not agree with me ,but truth is better said straight on than to go around it. This is my philosophy in communicating in open forum, no compromises to save faces period.I `m not a Nationalist , I don`t want to become one . I believe in democratic system with real inclusions.

  • 게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    The day when Germany will have unemployment and huge slums problems like UK then they will also act like UK.... by putting cams everywhere. About police, I agree German police is as bad as Canadian police, both think that the people of color are only criminals.

    I tell you one example of dentist in FFM, that doctor is from Middle East, he realized that I'm not German speaker so he treated me pretty differently. He told me that my tooth is cracked and I need bridge or crown and when I said I don't have that much money so he said lets try high quality composite filling. His assistant who was also non German asked me to sign a paper, which I asked for what and she said not to worry its just surety from me that I'll pay 70 euros to them. She placed her hand on text and only showed me a small space to sign and I was too dumb to trust them, so without reading I signed the paper, did not ask for a copy. Next day that dentist did my filling, and I paid with my EC card and came home. Later in evening I saw my tooth was totally black so next day I called my insurance company and they asked me to go to another dentist. This time I went to a German dentist and asked for general check (I did not tell her that what is the real reason I visited her). She did my general check up and I asked her about that filling I've and she told me its Amalgam filling (which I already figured out but I needed medical confirmation/witness). So I told the whole story and she gave me the number of Zahartzkammer, where I filed my complaint about him, as later when I called his office they claimed that I'm lying as they never give any Amalgam filling treatments to their patients. (BTW Amalgam filling is free for patients while its insurance which pays your fee). Now you tell me, that doctor from Middle East got an excellent job in Germany and what he did at end of the day...misused system and looted another Auslaender. Now if he will be prosecuted for his wrong doings then he will call Germans racists. And then he may leave the country and go to Canada where legal system is so loose that he will never be prosecuted and then he will call that land paradise.

  • 게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    Too much hot discussion how about have some laugh. Its a German band and the vocalist is Japanese, so I think Oliver H will like it ;-)

  • patrick eso의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    @ Diana
    As I said before, when such happens , the authority are quickly on top of it .The make many arrest , remember theirs cameras every where.When the police visits such people to pick them up , usually at early hours of morning . They are usually detained and prosecuted accordianly. Such is not the case of Germany.When you report something the police will try to water it down to meaning something else.I don`t want to detail my experience. so let it be.

  • 게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    What would you say about this video? its pretty new:

    Racism in England against Pakistanis and Indian:

    I've witnessed British guy in his 20s bullied one South Asian old woman and saying Paki go home. When I tried to stop him he yelled at me. I know it can happen anywhere including Germany, UK and Canada....believe me racists are everywhere just we're fail to accept that they are there where we love to live. Its simple we are blinded by our selfish human nature.

  • patrick eso의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    But since I moved down to England 3years now , I `ve not observed such. Any form of racist chanting here is against the Law.prison sentencing as well as heavy fine.Most parkistani I met here are decent people with good profession.Doctors and nurses , just like that. I don`t see it that way . They Asia people are the back bone of England in every section of these society.some are important members of parliament. holding important positions. Infact the richest person here is from Asia. I am sure if your living here you could buy a flat for yourself like a friend of mine did , who just arrived since 2009. He is single any way.Just save up a healthy 20/30%. then you have the upper hand with those banks.

  • patrick eso의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    What`s wrong with that .They are many like me still in germany and recently moved elswhere in the UK.usually visit my two kids still there every now and then , because I don`t want them to have access to what Germans call "kuku vater".There are already grown 16/14. thank God.The recent riot that happened in England some of the youths arrested majority are from single mother up bringing background.You know the current demography of single parenting in Germany.You guys are better than me in keeping statistics.Thats why some people there lack morality in attitude.May be your nose is bigger, like the one you have in mind.I `m not a street person. I grew up with a lots of love for other less privellage people at thesame time very much in principle person .Thats why I`m concerned having some people related to me still living there. I don`t want to make comments what happened to one of them in gymnasium few years back , like some guy mentioned beforein these forum. Every mistake made over there would later be corrected here in the UK. Both can speak in english.I have already new family for many years now . I` m on top of it.

  • 게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    "slowing down the immigration to Germany should be seriously considered"

    If Germans will slow down the immigration to Germany then whole world including Canada will cry "Germans are nazis, Germans are racists"...

  • 게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    Sure we'll meet, you can call it a date or a day ;-). I used "we" as I've to bring 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation of immigrants with me...who will tell their stories to you...

    Then why are these immigrants kids who are even 3rd generation are leaving the country? Why young Hong Kong Canadians are moving back to their ancestors land...sure to get better opportunities which they could not get in Canada. Read my last replies to you some weeks ago where I showed you several facts that how unhappy are the second and third generations of immigrants in Canada. Seriously your lies made me believe that I'm banging my head on the wall.

    Its not Ozil, almost 90% of national soccer players are from different race.

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