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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

게시된 위치 독일 공개토론

I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • 게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    Do you think those highly skilled international professional immigrants who burned the boats and moved to Canada are doing nothing to get a decent job?? People are struggling for 10-20 years or even more and still they are not getting any decent job or a job in their field. Yes, "There's no red carpet laid down for immigrants anywhere"...but you expected in your short time in Germany to put a crown on your head. Very ironic!

    I never deny racism in Germany but I also do not deny racism in Canada. I found Germans more supportive to those who are dedicated to hard work. Unfortunately Germans got 99% uneducated asylum seekers (you call them unwanted immigrants) but still Germans are not that racist to them as Canadian are to most wanted immigrants who are highly educated and immigrated to Canada pretty good immigration points and they brought money with them. Now you tell who failed, Canadians or Germans?

    "You can keep denying, but I work with many of those examples." same applies to you!

  • T Y의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    I admire you so much for being self-critical of our nation. Canada isn't a paradise and no one claims it as one.

    I'm sorry to prove you wrong but I see immigrants everyday who have made extra effort to be successful in Canada. If others believe what they do is enough, then they have a wrong expectation.

    And let's not forget about the second and third generations either. The first generation immigrants came to Canada and worked their asses off to provide their kids a better future. And from the second generation on, visible minority Canadians are already very becoming successful, whereas in Germany, you can't say the same about the hyphenated Germans being as successful as the Germans. Of course Ozil is an exception! Good for him and for Germany!

    Our date is still on, right? ;)

  • T Y의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    This isn't a marriage counseling, so it's ok to agree to disagree. What I see in Germany is a group of people with 2 polar opposite opinions, where one party says and believes it is a duty of Germany to accept more refugees and grow as an immigrant nation, and the other party believes Germany is a nation for Germans and they want to reduce the number of immigrants in Germany, and it usually depends on the regions they live in.

    Anyways, we, the Auslander, tend to stop investigating further when we talk about the Germans, but if we ask ourselves why some Germans are that way, we will only then understand the underlying issues, and what we experience as racism is one of the consequences.

    It just won't go away unless your government starts listening to the people. You don't have to go extreme and close the borders, but slowing down the immigration to Germany should be seriously considered, for the good of the Germans and the prospective and existing immigrants. No one, but the business owners who can find cheap labor, is benefiting from the current immigration policies.

  • 게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    Watch this video and judge that how Canada is an open society to people of color or visible minority. Here are some youtube videos, please also read comments below each video as it will give you more harsh information about racism and discrimination in Canada:

    Skilled workers in Canada, sure most are visible immigrants and TY denied these realities now tell me who lies:

    Multiculturalism in Canada (very interesting must watch):

    Racism in Canada

    Immigrating to Canada (Must see)

  • T Y의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    Ok, it's a date! :)

    I seriously doubt that you've read my earlier posts. I also don't support the easy immigration within Europe and free giveaways to foreigners because ultimately it's the tax payers who are paying for those foreigners. And you wonder why many Germans are uneasy about foreigners? If it was up to the people, foreigners would have to pay international student fees.

    And you think it's great that the German government offers so much social welfare to immigrants to a point many of them don't bother to work? Money doesn't grow on trees in Germany. Who's paying for all this?

    What the hell is Germany going to do with 1000s of uneducated asylum seekers? Even the educated German born Turks are leaving the country. You think it's a great idea to keep all those refugees who aren't ready to be part of the society and you expect Germans to accept them and be friendly to them?

    Here's the thing, Auslander, myself included, always complain about german racists, but there are so many reasons why they don't appreciate immigrants, not because of immigrants, but how they are admitted to Germany. People in every country have their own distinct character, and not every nation has to become an immigrant nation. Germans tend to be happy when they are left alone as a group. Shouldn't they feel comfortable in their own country? It was only for German governments own good to let so many guest workers in, while totally disregarding the futures of those who came to Germany, and the opinions by the Germans.

    If you are trying to keep minorities from immigrating to Canada by your dire description of our country, you've accomplished it. I'm all for tougher immigration policies in Canada, so bring it on! There's no red carpet laid down for immigrants anywhere. And if those immigrants choose not to try harder, then that's life. But when you do work hard, even as an immigrant, there are far more opportunities in Canada than in Germany. You can keep denying, but I work with many of those examples.

  • 게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    Thanks for the clarification, so you are in country where everyday people shout at South Asians "Paki go home"!!!

  • patrick eso의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    @ oliver,
    I `m at work right now . I know there is some typographic on my threads.This is social networking. We are not in the lecture room /boardroom meeting. If you got nothing to stick on me then chill. when you do lets have these debate.I will reply you with all my heart. No worries.No body was born with knowledge, you acquire it as you go along in life.Education is knowledge. As I said before your not far from winning a noble price. May be in Economics. Then you will be the first in that subject economics.

  • patrick eso의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    @ Diana
    Sorry that you think I`m T Y not so . I live here in England.Some where in Essex. a bit outer part of greater London .More I will not reveal to anybody.

  • 게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    Right now I'm in Germany but in couple of months will be backs to my city Toronto. And then we will meet for a cup of coffee in Tim Hortens where you will meet desperate and unhappy immigrants. We will also meet the Timmies staff who will tell you that having doctors and engineers degrees they still sell donuts and clean washrooms at Timmies. Or do you want to go to Scarborough there you will meet people who are struggling for their living, or lets go to Finch and Jane where almost everyday one or 2 arrests take place or almost more than a month black immigrants are being killed. Or just travel from one end of Dundas to another and meet 1000s of immigrants and lets ask them how successful and happy they are and whether they are not facing any racism. Or lets go to your Gerrad street, and talk your country men from South Asia. Not most of South Asian are highly educated so why they are target of discrimination at work and even in their daily lives???

    Its very easy to lie and brag on internet but lets meet and talk face to face and then let me show to other people that how your reality is not really a big time denial. Oh BTW you finally accepted that there are slums in Vancouver, should I show you slums in Toronto GTA??? Go and sit with Bangladeshi and Somali communities in Toronto and they will show you their homes, which are worst than those slums in Vancouver. And yes, Vancouver is not in Germany eh!

    Sit with 52.4 per cent of GTA immigrants and then talk to me that how happy they are. Oh well, you were accepted as a student in Germany and you compare your professional life in Canada...ha such weak argument. Even a German student in Germany has very less money to support himself and you were dreaming that they would have put a crown on your head. I know many Indians who come to Germany and get admission at university as its for free, later they skip that education as they come to Germany not to study but to get quicker immigration to Canada. People who come to Germany, Sweden, Denmark with plans to move to Canada should not be welcomed on first hand. Or Germany should put the fee for non Europeans so they will not enter to misuse the system.

    BTW Canadian govt is dying to get white race from Europe as Canadians define themselves of white race and not Asian. This is the reason they are more than ready to welcome immigrants from those countries which you mentioned are collapsing. This move will be a big threat for visible minorities as at end of the day, top jobs will be given to white people. And do you really think that Canada is not collapsing, where is Canada's survival without US. If US is collapsing then sorry who is Canada.

    Moreover, it is you who is in fact failed in Germany and now taking out his grudge German people. If you were really an honest person then you would have accepted the real problems in Canada. BUT no you only see and feel your pain...sorry but its very selfish and biased attitude. No wonder why immigrants in Canada are suffering as people like you live in their comfort zone which I call a small hole and deny to accept the suffering just 2 meters away from their homes. This is typical biased Canadian attitude and this is the reason Canadian immigration program is failing.

    Germany is not immigrant country like Canada and it does not loot any 1000s of dollars from immigrants in name of giving them good life and at end they all are working as cab drivers or janitors. I salute Germany as it accepts 1000s of uneducated asylum seekers and still give them decent lives. They are given free education till university, decent housing, far better health system including dental and eye care (which Canada never provides to its immigrants).

    I request to all those people who think Canada is a paradise for immigrants then please do not come to Germany and please please move to Canada BUT later do not curse TY as he led you to chase mirage.

  • patrick eso의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 독일 공개토론 

    @ oliver, what troubles me most is people like you exist in Germany with supper human intelligence and you allowed the finaciall crisses to happen in these world with out dishing out an earling warning system to save all the major world banks.When will you win your Next Nobel Price in Economis? or may be in English.If any atall.I`m not a perfect being as you are. I want to remaing objective and interact with all people of different idealogy irrespective of their colour, ethnicity and religion. Thats me.When you say things that are right I will accept. But I will not fall into Nationalism.

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