• investment

    Објавено од Избришан корисник во Бугарија форум  

    I beg to differ. For a start there is unlikely to be a commuter belt in any town except Sofia, Burgas and Varna. The whole country has the population of two thirds of London. It is rural and the population will not explode unless outsiders populate the country. What I would stay clear of is non Bulgarian sellers of houses, ie property agents. They , more than the locals know exactly how much to whack on so as not to break the camel's back. The best way to buy is to get a local you know and trust and reward them for their work which is to have an ear on the ground about what is selling. Of course there is a rise in price if you are a gringo, but bargaining is good. Most agents will buy the house for leva and sell to you for the same amount in euros or a lot more. (they double the selling price).
    Nice areas in town are no longer bargains and will appreciate slowly.
    What you need to do is ask yourself what you want the property to do for you. If you want to invest and not get involved with the community than I do suggest very close to ski or sea resorts. You will get a characterless appartment with neighbours close, sterile shopping malls, western chains and noise and probably crime. Go for it but I prefer a tranquil village that is not trying to be anything other than it is.
    My place cost me 2000 euros and I would not have spent more than 8 more to make it to my liking. I avoid British builders because the cost doubles or more.

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