• judy liu

    Never Give Up - (5) Open a Company

    geplaatst door  judy liu in Australië forum 

    Never Give Up
    - (5) Open a Company

    Hello everyone,welcome back, this is Judy Feng Liu.
    Let’s continue to talk about not giving up.
    Today, let’s talk about opening a company.
    If you quit your job after working five or six years, or even longer, and then you open a company with all the money you have. But, after several months, things are not going well as you imagined. And then you might be very upset; you might be very distressed; you might be very sad, and because your business hasn’t been doing well and you have to pay your employees and pay everything for the company, so you might want to give up.
    Don’t! Do not give up if you really want to do something, if you really like doing your business.
    But what should you do in this case? I think at this point you should think why your business hasn’t been doing well as you had imagined. List the reasons on a piece of paper, and then find the ways to solve them.
    I, myself, run a company. I have met the same problems. At that time I was sad, I cried, but I didn’t give up, I never give up. That’s right, I am a stubborn person.
    So, that time I didn’t give up, and I knew I would do it well if I gathered myself together, thought harder and worked harder.
    And you too, you should gather yourself together, and you know, you should trust yourself, do what you should do.
    So please remember, say this to yourself in a mirror every day, and you will be successful in the future: I am the best, I can do it. I will never, ever give up.
    Okay then, thank you for listening, welcome to contact me if you want to say something to me. I would like to listen to your stories.
    See you next time, my dear friends. Have a good day!

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