abosede bolumole ojurongbe

Om meg

abosede bolumole ojurongbe
 abosede bolumole ojurongbe
Bor i:
Algarve (Portugal)
Luxembourg, Algarve


  • abosede bolumole ojurongbe
     abosede bolumole ojurongbe

    iam looking for a job at anycost iam a mother and a wife based in portugal with two kids life is so had no job right now cant get any i need help i was told there are jobs in luxembourg that its a place where they have mix of people living and happy, right now we cant pay our bill not to talk of our rent my kids are nationality of portugal my professional is hair stylist but now i cant make money from it but if i can get a job in luxembourg as a cleanner i will be happy we have nowhere to stay there no money to eat please