• B Arrow

    Salary like that might make for a tight budget

    postat de către  B Arrow în Kuweit forum 

    I have not seen anything other than small studio flats for around 200 KD. Where are the 150 KD flats at? Can anyone tell me?

    If housing and transportation is not included along with your salary package, your budget will be very, very tight. It sounds like it will be tight anyway.

    iI have been pricing some places in the Fintas to Faheel area and haven't seen anything lower than 280 KD in the Mangaf area for a 2 bed, 2 bath flat. Otherwise the furnished flats seem to be in the 400 KD and up range. If you rent a flat that is not furnished you will have a very expensive first year getting all of the gear a flat needs. (Unless your company will give you money to ship your belongings over.)

    But good luck and congrats on the job offer.

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