• Mergi la profilul lui Norman Newhouse

    The Azores is not for everyone.

    postat de către  Norman Newhouse în Azores forum 

    Dr. Moir,
    Since you are an "Academic" you may understand this. The simplicity you seek has a price. Yes there are many issues with infrastructure in the Azores. No there are not other schools besides the "War Mongers" school that cater to Americans. Why would there be. The Azores is not an area designed to cater to the needs of American expats. They are struggling with providing schools to their own children. It seems to me that you want to have your cake and eat it too. You want all the ammenities that the U.S. offers without the issues that go along. It seems that your taste may align you more with Bermuda or some such island where the infrastructure is more suited to your needs. I would hate to see you go to the Azores and become the "Ugly American". Although Bermuda would be a good choice, I would forewarn you about the "War Monger" types that are stationed there such as the U.S. Navy and several units from the British Military. LOL Somehow, I cant see that you are going to be happy anywhere. Can I ask you a question? Why do you list yourself as an "Academic" first and "Parent" secondly? In Portugal, this would never happen. My daughter is adopted from the Azores, and as her parent I will say to you to save yourself the embarrassment and stay away. They dont need or want persons of your type in their humble islands. Nobody there will care if you are a Doctor. They will want to know what kind of parent and father you are. What kind of leader of your family you are. They are very conservative and respect long held values. By the way, I received notice of an 18yr old war monger that died this past weekend. Serving his country and you. If I were you, I would stay in America where you have the right to call someone a war monger. Ironically its those war mongers who are protecting that right.

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