• wax man

    the dealing with bank here in oman

    опубликовал  wax man в форум в Оман 

    i dont know where you got the idea with (I've heard that some Omani banks won't let me take out a loan without a male relative being there ) ).... if you want a lond , so why you bring a male with you... !!!!!!!

    you need a bank loan you have to go and deal with the bank , and we are here have female and male work together in bank and you will deal with a person who will be in charge..... that all.

    for info:(I've heard that some Omani banks won't let me take out a loan without a male relative being there) that only happen in saudi arabia,, because they follow the islamic role that not accept a strange women deal with strange guy. that all...

    i welcome for any more questions about oman.

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