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    Re:how? (Thanks)

    опубликовал  F Q в форум в Саудовская Аравия 

    Dear brother, thanks for the reply to my question.

    Here is some info I have gathered on the Green Category companies.

    If your company falls under the Green category, you will be able to:

    Apply for new visas once every two months.
    Change the professions of your foreign workers, with the exception of positons restricted to Saudis.
    Get a six-month grace period after the expiry of your zakat and revenue certificates.
    Renew work permits of current foreign employees given that their residency visas are valid for at least three months.
    Recruit employees from companies within the Red or Yellow categories and transfer their visas without permission of their employer

    Please note that these rules will come in effect fully after 23-Feb-2012. This is when the current offer by govt. to change professions easily will expire.

    Sorry for my limited info but I have been here in Saudi Arabia for only 3 months now so I do not have any deep knowledge regarding your particular case. I am working as programmer in a construction company. I was given labor visa and now my company is helping me get my profession changed.

    As far as I can see there are 2 things u can do.
    1. Let your current kafeel know about the current easier process and argue to change his mind to help you change your profession.
    2. Inform your new company of the nitaqat rules and argue to help change your profession after transfer.

    Hope this helps.

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