• Blazing Light

    Newton International and British Schools

    zaslal  Blazing Light v Fórum Katar 

    Newton International and British Schools have done it again!!!! The teachers at West Bay is jumping ship yet again.. Why you may ask?? Horrendous management practices is the answer for those hoping to teach there... Not so long ago they employed a "Director" to gain accreditation for them and, this is all good except, it would now appear that Mrs. De Martino does not know her ear from her elbow.
    Last month she was getting CIS accreditation, this month it is Sita or something or other.
    It would appear that the poor lass is confused as to what needs to be done at that school.Good luck in getting a straight forward answer... This woman is glib and verbose.
    I am sorry Enigma, I know that you have faith in this woman's competence but if you still believe this after the recent accreditation fiasco, then you are a fool. Not to mention 3 teachers leaving Westbay during the first term.. When is the SEC going to realise that Newton is doing more harm than good to education in Qatar??

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