• thanks

    insänt av Användaren är raderad i  Saudiarabien forum  

    Hello bro mubeen,

    Assalamu alaikum.

    Thanks for your reply,

    i already collect your cell no.from there and chat with my hubby about this issue,so far as i already knew its not possible to get Visa for BANGLADESHI passport bearer families.

    But everything is done from here,i sent all the papers to my hubby,he also got the status.
    we both infect eger;y waiting for a chance,if you know any thing or any way that we can apply plz let us know,it ill be a rahamt on us from allah and we ill be ever greatfull to you

    Thanks for being with us and looking forward to know any good news from you in days to come.


    Ashmina Chowdhury

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