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    insänt av  Nick McCormick i Kalifornien forum  

    I go to UC santa barbara and live in a neighborhood populated by rich white people that spend all their free time drinking surfing or doing coke. It is pretty miserable for most of the people that live here because it is extremely difficult to make meaningful connections with anyone, especially people of the opposite gender as friends. In general men and women do not talk to one another unless they are interested in each other sexually or one needs something from another. (I guess that is redundant.) Essentially if you want to know what californians act like, just try to imagine a society of people that all watch too much tv, especially reality shows, and take it to be a slightly exaggerated but ultimately realistic portrayal of their lives. Los Angeles is the heart of this problem, mostly because of hollywood. I have to say that I do know some very smart people that love it here, but they never asked themselves if California was going to be glamorous or not--they make their own fun and have since high school, and never had hopes that they could move somewhere to better their lives.

    The west coast is a very depressing place to live; san francisco is the exception but it is so incredibly expensive it is not worth it, even if you can afford it. The east coast is a much more socially healthy place to live, although you should stay away from new york, as well. Beth is right in that many people in california are affordable but none of them are cities you have ever heard of.

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