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  • ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ T Y

    More of you

    โพสต์โดย  T Y ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี 

    Like I said, I know that Germans like you do exist, thank god! And I meet them quite often outside Germany. And German beer is probably the best!

    And I agree with you on the democracy. And I of course support it 100%. And things will change over time, but at this moment, the Germans who are against immigration are becoming the majority (democracy). It may not be clear enough now, but with the turmoil in Europe, I guarantee you that a huge influx of immigrants will come to Germany, much sooner than you can imagine, especially from other Europeans countries looking for work. And naturally Germans will want to protect their own job market. And it is the duty of the government to protect it. BUT that's not what's happening and many Germans, maybe not you, but many of them are not happy about that. And it will only get worse for a few years at least.

    My point is, those anti immigrant Germans are aiming their anger towards the immigrants whom your government lets in to stay without even consulting the German citizens (practically inviting them as cheap labor to support the businesses), instead of blaming the root cause of the immigration issues. I am guessing it is reflecting on how much German government ignores its citizens priorities and wishes, and what we see is the result of that.

    And the fact is that immigrants also have to deal daily with the Germans who oppose to immigration despite of other half of the population. That's why threads like this come up.

    Soon more Germans themselves will have to fight for €1 jobs and €400 / month jobs, which new immigrants are also after, and that will give them more reasons to hate immigrants. People just don't become rude and hostile towards other people without a reason.

    Anyways, if Germany is to become an immigration nation, it needs more people like you, but at the same time, the root cause remains as is unless the Germans unite as one to influence the government and at least take back the sovereignty. It's not about anti immigration vs pro immigration, but as long as the Germans are divided on this issue superficially, there will be no solution but to keep arguing about the immigration, which is pretty much every government wants.

