mikka manalad


mikka manalad
 mikka manalad
Isa Town (Bahrain)
Bahrain, Isa Town


  •  mikka manalad

    Good morning.......im so worried cause today is my last day of work from my current employer,,,i have been working there for 2 years and 3 months and just recently renewed my visa last 28th of feb 2014... Now i already filed my resignation and now is my last day of duty....i went to lmra but didnt allow me to have my mobility intention cos of my visa is still valid....very hard to get released from my current employer and now they were telling all resignee should have to exit the country and come back again...i dont trust anyone of them cos they are making their own law......i have all my supporting documents such as pink card( which they refused rto received) offe lletter from my new employer to be, ....please give me an advice cos they are not giving NO OBJECTION LETTER either....they are asking us to go back my country and come back in bahrain again.,,.really need an advice....and our passport is on their hands..thank u and more power