Miingan Le Loup


Miingan Le Loup
 Miingan Le Loup
Book author, writer, primitive skills instructor, 18th century living historian, experimental archaeologist, historical trekker, woodsman, landed gentry, husband, father, all round nice chap (I try very hard!)
Şurada yaşıyorum:
New South Wales (Australia)
New South Wales


Web sitesi:
İlgi alanları:
Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Coffee, tea and conversation, Computers/Internet, Cooking, Gardening, Movies/Videos, Music, Sailing/Boating, Walking/Hiking, 18th century Living History, 18th century Historical Trekking, Camping, Primitive skills, reading, writing,Bushwalking, woodscraft, knife making, muzzleloading, experimental archaeology,
Favori müzikler:
Clare de loon by De Boosi, Last of the Mohicans
Favori filmler:
Last of the mohicans, the Patriot, Love actually, Moll Flanders,
Favori kitaplar:
Robinson Crusoe, Last of the Mohicans, Moll Flanders
Sevdiğim şeyler:
watching movies, watching the wild ducks landing on Cattail Pond, wildlife, stout beer,
Nefret ettiğim şeyler:
people backing into my car, shooting animals for sport, drunks,
İlişki durumu:


  • Miingan Le Loup
     Miingan Le Loup

    I note that Armidale though a city is not on the list of community choices! Just for the record, NSW is a large place! I live near Armidale, New England NSW Australia.
    We have a local 18th century living history group here if anyone is interested.

  • Miingan Le Loup
     Miingan Le Loup

    “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” Henry David Thoreau.

  • Miingan Le Loup
     Miingan Le Loup

    Great day today, it is overcast. Chores are done, time to enjoy myself.
    Regards, Le loup.