• Should a man participate in household chores?

    پوسٹڈ بايئ یوزر کو ڈیلیٹ کر دیا گیا ہے انرر برن فورم 

    Yes, women and men should share chores in housework if their living together period!
    if not your not a girlfriend but another mother/sister take your pick. If he's old enough to be in a relationship, move out well responsibility comes with that, unless he's really rich and hires a domestic helper. He should do his fair share too. Both are human and both do get tired. so It makes for an equal, no need to Allocate who does what; it'll be boring to do the same thing again and again and moreover it'll become a duty and the other person automatically adopt to a habit of leaving things behind and while assuming and assuming turns in to expecting and that will lead to misunderstanding in a relationship and that is not healthy. both should just go with the flow of work share. happy plus considerate relationship. Good Luck! Happy Holidays!

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