Helmien Croucamp

میرے بارے میں

Helmien Croucamp
 Helmien Croucamp
میں رہنا:
Cape Town (South Africa)
English, Afrikaans
آپ ڈھونڈ رھے ہیں:
دوست , پزنس کانٹیکٹس
55 سال
France, South Africa

پیشے سے متعلق

Northlink College
Manager, teacher, hairdresser
کام کا شعبہ:
Teaching and learning
پچھلا پیشہ:
Worked as a Hairdresser for 10 years at Maison Frank Intercoiffure in the Mother City. Got my teachers Qualification and have been lecturing at Northlink College for the past 23 years. For the last 11 years been the manager of the Hairdressing School.
ساؤتھ افریقہ

وال/ دیوار

  • Helmien Croucamp
     Helmien Croucamp

    I would like to teach English to young French learners in their own home environment.