Robbert Zeeuw

میرے بارے میں

Robbert Zeeuw
 Robbert Zeeuw
میں رہنا:
Schwyz (Switzerland)
English, German, French, Dutch
آپ ڈھونڈ رھے ہیں:
دوست , پزنس کانٹیکٹس
Switzerland, Schwyz

پیشے سے متعلق

Dotwood CRM Switzerland
کام کا شعبہ:
Microsoft Dynamics Industry (Specialized in Life Sciences and Manufacturing)

وال/ دیوار

  • Robbert Zeeuw
     Robbert Zeeuw

    There is only one limitation... you need to love Switzerland as much as I do!

  • Robbert Zeeuw
     Robbert Zeeuw

    Open to all contacts, regardless of believes, ethnical background, sexual preference or age!

  • Robbert Zeeuw
     Robbert Zeeuw

    Born in the Netherlands and currently living in the capital Schwyz, looking for contacts (friends & business).