• Chuyển tới hồ sơ của Ahmed Ali

    waheed ahmad

    đăng bởi  Ahmed Ali trong  Bahrain diễn đàn 

    All businesses can be registered as w.l.l. or spc

    plus you can fully own the business as a foreigner, no need for a bahraini partner, except for certain activities such as export and import, or contracting.

    in addition a point we have is that some activities require more capital for example buying and selling Real Estate BD 250,000
    Holding Company BD 250,000

    you can establish a company with your wife or a member of family where shares would be 99/1

    please revert back on my email, if u need any more info. as i work in a licensed consultancy company that specializes in company formation for international clients.
    email is [...]


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