Mandy Bui

Thông tin về quản trị viên

Mandy Bui
 Mandy Bui
Thông tin về quản trị viên:
Hi, My family are living in suburb of Hanoi, Vietnam (17 km from old quarter). We have beautiful farms and authentic market. I wish to introduce to every traveller in the world. Let's cook our traditional dishes and share peaceful moment with my family.
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Những sở thích:
Travel/Sightseeing, Volunteer/Community Activities
Song Phuong, Hoai Duc District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam
Việt Nam

Tường bảo vệ

  • Mandy Bui
     Mandy Bui


    You will leave Hanoi center and drive to the west of city. It is about 17 km = 35 minutes. I will see you in meeting point. Firstly, you will visit a local market since Le King Dynasty 1428. It is the most famous market in the region where there are many traditional items for sales. If on market days, people from all the surrounding villages would come to trade. People bring dogs, cats, pigs, chickens, ducks, and bamboo baskets to sell. Everyone is excited to meet each other on that day. You will be surprised about bustling and colorful market which is working under the canopy of old tree. You will see the old woman chew betel and areca nut and blacksmiths work hard with his bright brazier.

    Right next to the market place, there are nice vegetable farms. We take a tour around vegetable fields growing a variety of produce including: cauliflower, cabbage, tomatoes, green peas, Chinese peas and corn, as well as fruit gardens with oranges, pomelos, papaya and more., and you may have chance to join a farmer working in his field.

    You will have opportunity to help in the work of the small land-holding. Depend on the season this will involve ranking, sowing, water greens, picking greens and other garden activities. You will have opportunity to ask experienced for local farmers about cultivation techniques and lifestyle.

    After that, you go to my house to cook delicious and traditional dishes, enjoy local fresh vegetable, fruit, make traditional cake and talk about Vietnamese family's custom together. I offer free tea and local wine.


    Spring roll or Fresh noodle roll
    Sour soup (bun rieu) served with rice noodle and herbs
    Vegetable stir or salad
    Traditional cake
    Local beer/wine
    Fresh fruits

    The menu sometime changes depending on the season and on what is available at the market.

    At the end of the meal, you can free walking around the village or take the taxi back Hanoi center.