Professor PECook

Thông tin về quản trị viên

Professor PECook
 Professor PECook
Thông tin về quản trị viên:
A American student English teacher living in Europe with interest in continuing education and studying the culture of SPAIN, China, India, Portugal, France or Greece. ( for those who noticed a mistake in my grammar, it was intentional ) I enjoy exercising in my spare time and am a rare social smoker. The places I lived ( for work or school a minimum of four weeks ) includes Ohio and Tennessee but my hometown is in Virginia. Please visit PAYEARNER.BIZ.HT for more pictures of me or for details to write me directly without needing JustLanded.
Đang sống tại:
Ngôn ngữ:
Tìm kiếm:
Bạn bè, Các địa chỉ kinh doanh liên lạc
Các cộng đồng:
Malta, Barcelona

Cá nhân

Những sở thích:
Cooking, Drama-Plays/Musicals, Politics, Religion/Spiritual, Volunteer/Community Activities, Jogging, Scuba Diving, Skiing, Surfing, Windsurfing
Bài hát ưa thích:
Những bộ phim ưa thích:
Spiderman, Amongst Friends, I Got Five On It, Love + Other Drugs, Embrace with the Vampire, Dark Water, Vampire Hunter D
Những điều tôi thích:
Women, Ladies, Nature, Friends, Diving, Surfing, Skiing, Reading, School, Linguistics, Taxes, Accounting, Religion, Politics, Psychology, Culinary Arts, Cooking, Volunteering
Những điều tôi ghét:
Posers, Liars, Zombies, Porn, Christmas, Work, Inequality, Censorship
Tình trạng quan hệ:
Open relationship
PaYearner.BIZ.HT ( My Website - Very Basic )

Chuyên nghiệp

Công ty/Cơ quan:
Nghề nghiệp:
Lĩnh vực làm việc:
Education + Learning
Vị trí:
Sự nghiệp trước đây:
Tax Advisor, Banker, Steward, Bartender, VOLUNTEER
PAYearner.BIZ.HT ( My Website - Very Basic )
Tây Ban Nha

Tường bảo vệ

  • Professor PECook
     Professor PECook

    I also find it really lame that this site fails to allow entering spaces ( line breaks ) between sentences - making anything you type one long paragraph.

  • Professor PECook
     Professor PECook

    I created a new site that I plan to use in the future for job searching or networking, called PAYearner.BIZ.HT, that has several more pictures of me. Please use a public computer or a mobile telephone to view it ( if possible ) because I made it with free software that can sometimes be questionable but you can also visit it without worry if you got regular antivirus protection, a firewall, etc.

  • Professor PECook
     Professor PECook

    A shame this site fails to allow more than one picture to be added to a profile.