Sandrine van den oudenhoven

Thông tin về quản trị viên

Sandrine van den oudenhoven
 Sandrine van den oudenhoven
Thông tin về quản trị viên:
“ It’s my priority to be efficient in the way I handle each mission, in order to be in a position to deliver a service up to the expectation level. I feel committed to, and responsible for, the success of each assignment and satisfaction of each client I am working with. Because of my background, I have a strong identification level with my clients and a very good understanding of their expectations, but also of their mind set at the different stages of the assignment. I value the cultural differences and I respect that the impact of the expatriation and its associated adaptation requirement are experienced differently, depending on ones background, gender and origins.”
Đang sống tại:
Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
Ngôn ngữ:
English, German, French, Dutch
Tìm kiếm:
Bạn bè, Các địa chỉ kinh doanh liên lạc
Các cộng đồng:
Fribourg, Neuchâtel

Cá nhân

Trang web:
Nhật kí điện tử:

Chuyên nghiệp

Công ty/Cơ quan:
Trang web:
Nghề nghiệp:
Career support for expatiate partners
Vị trí:
Sự nghiệp trước đây:
Supply chain, Business development, Technical development
Thụy Sĩ

Tường bảo vệ

  • Sandrine van den oudenhoven
     Sandrine van den oudenhoven

    Merry Christmas and happy New Year
    Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année
    Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues
    Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo

  • Sandrine van den oudenhoven
     Sandrine van den oudenhoven

    Dual career partners: "success story saga" part.1 now on the blog!

  • Sandrine van den oudenhoven
     Sandrine van den oudenhoven

    I have just written a blog about "Domestic budget for living in Switzerland";postID=9016332135969549578

  • Sandrine van den oudenhoven
     Sandrine van den oudenhoven

    Last week I attended a workshop about networking specifically organized for dual career partners having freshly relocated to Switzerland.
    At the end of the presentation, one of the spouses asked the speaker how to stay motivated during the job search. To provide her with a specific and complete answer and because it’s a real concern for many other job-seeking spouses, I decided to write a blog about the subject, I hope you find it interesting!

  • Sandrine van den oudenhoven
     Sandrine van den oudenhoven

    You are an accompanying partner wishing to pursue your career in Switzerland?
    Join the LinkedIn group "job4U2 Circle":