Sona Mandhira Pvt Ltd

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Sona Mandhira Pvt Ltd
 Sona Mandhira Pvt Ltd
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Over the years, SMPL has established itself as a sought after brand in the aftermarket space. Initially, the brand started with aftermarket suspension and steering components.
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Haryana (India)
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Các cộng đồng:
India, Haryana

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  • Sona Mandhira Pvt Ltd
     Sona Mandhira Pvt Ltd

    Over the years, SMPL has established itself as a sought after brand in the aftermarket space. Initially, the brand started with aftermarket suspension and steering components and now has expanded into other components within the four wheelers and commercial vehicle space. The brand will soon be venturing into two wheeler segment with the launch of another vertical under the SMPL umbrella titled SMMJNK.
    Being an industry leader, Sona Mandhira Private Limited (SMPL)’s prime focus is on serving the automotive aftermarket that manufactures innovative products, designed and engineered for efficiency and reliability. The brand adheres to the most stringent quality standards that are benchmarked by highly skilled and experienced professionals.