• Jani Mahoney

    four ways to meet new friends in Groningen

    publicado por  Jani Mahoney en Foro de Groninga 


    If Friday mornings aren't a good time, here are four weekly or monthly events I know of to meet new friends:

    1) There's a group called Gezellig Nederlands that meets every Monday night at Cafe Peter Pan after 8:30pm. It's led by a very nice person, Amber, who makes everyone feel welcome. It's a great non-threatening and fun way to practice speaking Dutch with Dutchies and non-Dutchies. (http://www.gezellignederlands.nl/)

    2) Every last Wednesday of the month Cafe de Koffer organizes an international Pub Quiz (in English.) (http://www.dekoffer.nl/?q=quiz)

    3) On Thursday afternoons at Humanitas, there is a "Taalcafe" event between 3pm-5pm, where free coffee, tea, and snacks are available to everyone interested in practicing their Dutch. (www.humanitasgroningen.nl)

    4) Connect International also offers other events (in English) besides the coffee mornings. If you check the website under Events and Activities, you can get a better list for locations all over the north of the Netherlands (Drenthe, Friesland & Groningen provinces.) The next event is a Dog Walk at Stadspark this coming Sunday. (www.connect-int.org)

    Hope this helps!

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