• Women in Qatar

    hozzászóló: Törölt felhasználó itt Katar fórum 

    I hope you already got a pretty vivid picture of what its going to be like for a women out here .
    In my opinion Qatar is one of the few countries that respects women for the respect that they deserve .
    but on the other hand !!!
    you got your average teenagers / crack heads / rapists . ( I am not saying there is one hiding in a bush on ever corner .
    i would so on say this Country is better then Dubai or ever my own native land when it comes to men and women alike.

    a few tips .

    1.Dress appropriate if you want to live one with the people

    ( you get every sort of people with every sorta fashion sense , but the more skin you show the more of a bulls eye men see on you ) ( you got private beaches and groups to full fill all your exhibitionist thirst , again keep it private and not for the public )

    2. Respect all Religions

    . ( you are coming to a Muslim country . Better to get an Idea about Islam and the teachings ) ( but again a very few Muslims here actually follow the teachings of Islam ).

    3 . Safety first .

    .( 95% chances nothings gonna happen but still don't be ignorant , don't go out alone at nights in dark places. This is still a country in the world we live in not Haven )

    4 . Do not Play the LOVE game or the Oh i dropped my Pen let me just bend over and pick it up GAME .

    ( chances are the guys has a wife or a sheep he likes at home and the next thing you know you are as famous as Paris Hilton ) ( and the punishment for that sorta thing in this country is HARSH )

    all in all
    its a beautiful ./ boring ./ peace full ./ loving country .

    be nice to people and people would give niceness in return ( is niceness even a word nummm )

    Hope you got your mind set now ..



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