posted by felGUY **** in Belgium forum
Yes they said no documents arrive yet. 1 month since I lodged my application.( Time so fast).I'll see next week. or By June I guess there will be a result.,It's raining here in Manila, I wanted to go out in mall of asia..huhuhuhu..
yes, I have patience with this, meanwhile I just keep myself busy in the office( that's the one thing I am worried I was not able to submit my Certificate of Employment in the embassy that I am presently working.huhuhuhu..
Other replies
- hi
- ...
- hey
- hi Fadila
- to visit a friend visa
- To Felipe
- Questions regarding Fiance Visa
- for your inquiry
- Hi Desert Vixen
- Fiancee Visa
- To Anna Liza and Desert Vixen
- Bayanihan at it's best!
- Thanks a bunch!
- Sure thing!
- to the beautiful ladies
- Reply to ZD Pardo
- Question
- OMG!
- this is how filipino's should help out fellow filipino's
- Reply to Anna Liza
- sounds like a plan!
- Cheap tickets
- follower
- ik hou van jou belgium
- To Anna Liza and Desert Vixen
- To My Kababayans
- For Felipe and ZD Pardo
- Location in BE
- Reply to Anna Liza and ZD Pardo
- Interview
- Interview
- I got the EMail!
- ...
- Re Dutch School
- ?
- The e-mail!!! Finally!
- congratulations
- Reply to Felipe
- ladies and felipe
- Flight schedule
- Thank you
- ladies and felipe
- Very much excited
- freight service?
- inquiry
- Reply to Anna Liza and Felipe
- flights, insurance, luggage and felipe
- Same here...
- hey ladies and gentleman :D
- FEdex
- roller coaster of emotion
- 25 Kg for only 1,012.80!!!!
- opppsssss!
- Uber excited. :)
- apparently....
- Oh no... :(
- Passport Pick-up
- Yay for Anna Liza! :)
- Proactiveness. ;)
- happy
- Party!
- updates..
- contact
- Follow up
- ...
- Exciting!
- ladies and felipe
- Reply to Anna Liza
- link for driver's license
- Driver's License and FEDex
- thinking
- To Anna Liza and Felipe
- ladies and felipe
- bayanihan team
- amazing
- Visa on hand. :)
- congratulations
- Thank you!
- wohoooooo!!!
- Thank you guys. :)
- for desert vixen
- late response
- what's up
- Reply for Grande J. and Feliipe
- Hello my peeps!
- updates
- For Anna Liza and Felipe
- waiting
- ;)
- Leaving on a jetplane!
- Only 7 more days
- I miss you all!
- where in belgium are you guys
- hello
- dutch school
- happy
- smile...
- just have to wait
- Spouse visa vs Fiancee visa
- To Rae F
- thanks!
- BE finally!
- stay cool
- What???
- docs
- a little hectic here...;
- busy as a bee
- Wow!
- no result yet
- site
- status
- Good news!
- result
- reason
- Oh No!!
- :(
- moved on
- To Felipe
- low day today and sorry to hear the news Felipe...
- You are SO in BE Desert Vixen!
- To Sharlot
- congrattulations
- Proficiat!
- Alstublieft. :)
- hello
- yahooooooooo!!!!!
- :)
- crazy weather
- hello
- To Sharlot
- tsinelas... busy busyihan na naman kami...
- To Jhian
- i agree..
- to sharot
- Ok Musketeers...I Salute you all ...
- invitation letter
- Welcome back, Felipe!
- Hello again. :)
- appointment
- :)
- appointment
- need advice
- welcome
- Hello!
- cohabitation
- need
- I second the motion..
- To Angela
- to ZD Pardo
- :)
- im back
- I am back
- account problem
- just lodge the family reunion with eu member visa application
- :)
- where is felipe???
- Family reunion visa
- To Angela and Liam
- hi guys!
- waiting time....
- Welcome!
- :)
- waiting time....
- Im back..
- yehey!!
- i am still here in PH
- felipe
- to felipe
- keep the faith
- felipe
- :)
- welcome back Felipe!
- any news?
- hopefully next week
- ZD Pardo
- To Tere 419
- ZD Pardo
- To Tere 419
- ZD Pardo
- Tere
- hallo!!! im around but not very active...
- Hi everyone
- still waiting
- Hello
- nice to hear
- keep the positivity
- dutch class
- to felipe and rizsha
- :)
- to rizsha & felipe
- waiting time
- denied
- reason
- felipe;
- legal
- felipe
- hold on
- To Angela
- to Desert Vixen
- To Angela
- desert vixen
- percentage
- Hello Guys
- inquiry about the new law
- weather/holiday
- tara na
- Hello Guys
- Hello
- felipe,
- income
- A SJ
- hmmmm
- happy holiday
- upcoming result
- you're welcome
- contact
- jelyn
- Great Job Felipe and my F Card..
- no result yet
- pending
- felipe,
- received
- no result
- Waiting
- language
- result
- result
- no news
- Virtue: patience
- no idea
- result
- result..
- visit a friend visa
- patience is a virtue
- Hi all!
- hmmmm
- re-apply
- riszha
- Felipe
- documents
- filipino mass in belgium
- =ç
- Denied Visit a friend Visa
- Hi!!!
- Hi Jelyn and Rizsha
- Jelyn
- to Jelyn :)
- for jelyn
- happy HOLIDAYS
- Happy 2012!
- akkoord!!
- :)
- To Marikit
- Dear all,
- Sharrunya
- Thanks for those helpfull infos
- Hi Marikit :D
- hi Jelyn!
- Hi Jelyn and Ton!!
- good luck
- Jelyn
- Marikit
- Aleah and Marikit! :D
- sheena
- Hi _ Wedding Photography
- jessi
- rizha
- Jessi
- jessie
- Rizsha B
- Ann
- Angh'sarmiento
- To Angh Sarmiento
- Jelyn
- Jesse
- TON Bakker
- Jessi
- TON Bakker
- Jessi
- TON Bakker
- Hi
- Lambert
- Lambert
- Angh
- Angh
- where are you?
- Ton Bakker
- Ton Bakker
- great news
- Rizha
- Jelyn
- Hi Jelyn
- Learning the language
- Lambert
- Aleah
- Fiancee visa
- Ton Bakker
- Lambert
- Lambert
- Rizha
- My belgian bf planning to come to manila to marry me,what documents does he need to bring,and also mine.thanks
- Rizha
- Rizsha
- Rizha
- Rizha
- Rizha
- hello there :)
- hi rizsha
- Showmoney?
- Hi guys!
- showmoney
- Hi Chi
- To sheena
- Inviting party
- To zd pardo
- lambert
- @ton bakker
- Hi Lambert,
- Thanks
- Felguy
- @vanilla
- felipe......
- nice to see you again
- FelGuy
- felipe......
- Lambert
- to Jelyn13
- Ton
- LEGAL CAPACITY (confused)
- inquiry
- Felguy
- jessi,
- To Jesi
- anna liza gural
- Cost of translations
- Guys guys..
- Riszha
- Spousal visa
- Angel John
- Spousal visa
- Angel John
- Vanilla
- hello everyone
- thanks
- just askng
- hello
- Helloo
- Vanilla
- Cohab Visa
- Cohab Visum
- Deza
- Deza
- Anyone applied for an appeal?
- fiance visa
- hi
- Akkoord
- Ms A Graywolf
- timeline for fiancee visa
- Ms A Graywolf
- Hi guys!
- kids
- timeline for fiancee visa
- timeline for fiancee visa
- timeline for fiancee visa
- Ms A Graywolf
- hi guys!
- timeline for fiancee visa
- rizsha B
- just share mine
- HI Rizsha B.
- diplomatic bag
- Hi
- To Lambert
- Lambert
- Ton
- to Tere 419
- Ohlee
- Ton and Ohlee
- @TON
- ..checking in..
- Hi
- felGuy
- Hi everyone
- ZD Pardo
- @Ton Bakker
- @Ton Bakker
- GCF/sticker
- ZD Pardo
- website/be
- Angel
- experience
- Angel
- halo angel jhon
- MC
- ...
- Angel
- ton Bakker
- Angel
- ton Bakker
- Pls answer
- Insurance policy
- insurance policy
- jessie Moi
- marriage declaration act
- marriage declaration act
- Hi a sj
- marriage declaration act
- mda
- mda
- history of relationship
- Need help for a visa application
- Christian
- Need help for a visa application
- Angel John
- hi
- ginalyn ferrer
- hi angel john
- ginalyn ferrer
- angel john
- ginalyn ferrer
- angel john
- ginalyn ferrer
- Status Visa
- Congrats
- @Angel John..CONGRATULATIONS !!!
- Philippine immigration and visa services
- God is amazing!
- congrats,
- @ Angel John
- Thanks
- insurance
- a sj
- asj
- Anyone near Kortrijk?
- fiancee visa
- visa preparation
- visa preparation
- jenieve montanux
- pls help me
- hello
- hello dear
- hello dear
- jenieve montanux
- im worried
- dont wait for call,,,
- thanks a sj
- Yeahhh !
- application
- Thanks!
- Yessss !
- translation of documents
- translation costs
- translation
- translation costs
- translation
- dutch
- translation
- translation costs
- translation
- translation costs
- translation
- dutch !
- translation
- congrats stephane!
- no result still
- translation
- translation
- Shin Cezar
- in behandling
- yeah!
- thanks
- im new here
- I'm so HAPPY,,yahooooooo
- edz lolos
- im new here / tinadelacruz
- tinadelazruz
- info to check visum
- i felt sad and worried
- jenieve
- for ms.jenieve
- Holding an ORANGE card and need to leave for Manila
- @ Edz lolos
- :) Sheena A.
- Shin Cezar
- @ Angel
- jenieve
- Shin Cezar
- Sheena A.
- Angel :)
- :) Sheena A.
- congrats Sheena A.
- congrats!
- Sheena A
- @sheena A
- im happy
- Thank you...
- Looking filipina friends im from mouscron belgium
- visas and permitsx
- Wait continues!!!
- wait continues
- Hi everyone
- thanks ZD
- Re Dependent visa reply
- bonjour
- bonjour
- Thanks
- bonjour evangelina
- Hi
- Hi edz
- evangelina
- ZD Pardon,,
- Hello everyone:)
- TO Dina
- lambert flores
- @lambert flores
- Cohabitation
- lambert flores
- Cohabitation
- lambert flores
- Waiting for result
- Fiancé application
- @Xandra
- Visa application
- fiance visa
- fiance visa
- fiance visa
- visa
- visa
- visa
- Accord yes!!!!!
- visa inquiry
- Hi Marie
- visa inquiry
- Hi Marie and Dina
- hi
- Hi Marie
- visa
- in gent
- To Marie
- Fiance Visa
- Need help for a Cohabitation visa
- visa
- Family Reunification
- Need help for a Cohabitation visa
- Need help for a Cohabitation visa
- Visa @Marie de mesa
- Family Reunification
- Cohabitation Visa
- Family Reunification
- Family Reunification
- Cohabitation Visa
- Visit visa
- Cohabitation Visa
- Cristian
- Lambert
- Lawyer
- Refusal
- Nutty
- Cristian
- Visa Application
- Visa Application
- Nutty
- Cristian
- History of Relationship??
- Kat Silva
- History of Relationship
- Fiance Visa!kudasai!! ALSTUBLIEF!!i tried to post outside wall but no response
- Marriage Declaration Act
- Marriage Declaration Act - Not quite sure
- Thanks
- Concerning legal capacity
- Concerning legal capacity
- Visit a friend Visa got denied: :-(
- Legal capacity
- Visit a friend Visa got denied: :-(
- Proofs of Relationship for Fiancee Visa Application
- Second Interview
- Hello
- :-) big smile
- Zd Pardo
- Second Interview! Think possitive!!
- To all interested about visa issues
- To Maria
- :-) Maria Gives us hope
- To Zd Pardo and Maria
- To Miss Maria, ;-)
- Re: To Miss Maria
- Confirmation
- @nutty fab
- Zd Pardo
- Info About Fiancee Visa
- To Jhayde Verian
- Ms. Kathleen Ynson
- To Jhayde Verian
- Hello there!
- Miss Maria, Appeal letter;
- @nutty Fab
- Sharon
- Cohabitation vs fiance visa
- @nutty Fab
- Sharon
- Nutty. :)
- @nutty Fab
- Sharon
- Nutty. :)
- @ E.s.
- Sharon
- E.s. - Cohabitation Visa
- Nutty. :)
- @ E.s. - Big help from Lambert
- Hello
- Aiza Pegarit
- To Kathleen
- Aiza Pegarit
- Thanks kath
- Confuse
- Aiza Pegarit
- Fiancee Visa Status
- Fiancee Visa Approved!
- How can my Fiance get Marriage Declaration Act
- Ade Oni
- Kathleen Ynzon
- Any Sri Lankans Or Indians who married Belgium Citizen?
- Questions regarding fiance visa
- For LookingForAnswers Questions
- P.s
- Done my interview spouse visa
- For LookingForAnswers Question
- For Theena De Schryver
- Thank you miss k
- How long it takes before your visa release
- For Theena De Schryver
- Ms.k thank you
- Family Reunification Visa
- Fiance Visa Application
- To Myrnalyn
- Fiancee visa requirements
- To Myrnalyn
- Marrying a belgian
- To Jenni
- Hi kathleen
- To Jenni
- To kathleen
- Hi
- Please help me :(
- Please help me :(
- Hello
- Fiancee visa 2017
- To Kathleen
- To Gift Roma
- Hi Kathleen!
- To Gift Roma
- Gift Roma
- Gift Roma
- Types of visa?
- To Andy Cabahug